3 Indian Men Talk About Their Love For Vintage Fashion

Homegrown Staff

As the Indian youth discovers vintage stores and aficionados and bloggers of vintage fashion online and digs for similar garments in their parents’ closets, the world of vintage fashion in India is becoming increasingly populated. 

I guess a combination of what was cool in the ‘80s and what is cool now. I really like modern trends that follow ‘80s fashion like skinny jeans, Doc Martens, etcetera. I think for me, personally, my journey with music is what evolved my taste in fashion and style over the years.

What differentiates vintage clothing is definitely the fact that it could be a medley or motley mix of any sort of eras. 

I owe it to my grandfather and my father. While growing up as a kid, I always saw them rocking these styles and even when fashion for my generation was changing in the late ‘90s or early 2000s

Fashion trends always feel out of reach, especially when they’re born in exclusive spaces like on runways and in the atlieres of famous designers. But now, with social media and the advent of beauty and fashion bloggers who are sponsored by brands, fashion has become decentralised.