This Travel Platform Helps You Be The Digital Nomad Of Your Dreams


Every millennial holds this cliched yet ardent desire to be able to hold a sustainable job of their choice, but also travel across the globe. The current new wave of digital nomadism has given birth to the new population of freelancing singles, who have believe that their passions cannot be tied down by “the system”. But what about a life of travel, culture and work for the 30 year old couple with a child that’s looking to downsize for a couple of years? Or the empty-nesters who are looking for a little adventure in their lives?

Roam is a start-up company that aims to offer a network of co-living spaces that offer leases that let individuals to continuously move as they work. Founder, Bruno Haid, designed these spaces as an alternative approach for “location-independent” people who wish to work remotely, and these communal areas aren’t exactly a place for quaint vacations. Effectively, the system offers a plan for any individual can work across multiple cities and regions, each within specific time periods. In an interview with Fast Company, Haid tells his plans of creating a network across 8-10 locations around the world, by 2017. Currently, Roam offers spaces in Tokya, Bali, San-Fransico, Miami and London.

The start-up works in the objective of alleviating the loneliness and fear that usually accompanies one when they arrive in a new city with cultural idiosyncrasies that they are completely alien to. For $500 per week (excluding airfare), Roam provides all applied residents with a private room with a private bathroom, and access to a co-working spaces, creating spaces to interact with as many people as possible and be exposed to the culture around them. While the prices may seem somewhat steep, the service offers the perfect exchange of culture and work, making it an experience like no other.

“If you go from location to location, it always takes a couple of weeks to feel at home,” Haid tells Fast Company. “That’s something that we want to make sure is done in a very short time frame. You can literally show up in Bali and you live with people who have been there for a long time, means you have everything you need to navigate the local community, to know what’s where, what can I connect to.” Roam is also hoping to expand its services for audiences of all ages and backgrounds, and not just the stereotypical globe-trotting group of freelancers. Now all you need to is buy the airfare, and before you know it, you could be meeting deadlines between London and Bali in the next year.

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