Little Local

An Immersive Travel Experience At Ladakh’s Last ‘Aryan Village’

Homegrown Staff

Nothing inspires creativity like travel and nothing inspires travel like the breathtaking vistas of Ladakh. The majestic snow-capped mountains and a surreal, stark landscape come alive with the colourful communities of Ladakh that hardly anyone sees when hidden in a motley crew of tourists since most of Ladakh’s tribes keep to their villages that are hidden behind towering mountains. Each of this village has a story to tell, narratives about their cultural legacy, conversations about their lives and times in such a harsh environment and tales about the rich folklore of Ladakh that remains isolated amongst the Trans Himalayas very much like the land itself. But there’s one travel company that is giving a chance for these stories to be told, documented and shot in a way that creates a positive impact on the community. Little Local, a travel agency focused on responsible, community-based travel in tandem with Roots Ladakh is a 3-year old travel start-up based in Ladakh is organizing an immersive travel workshops in June 2018 in a remote unexplored village of Ladakh - the Garkone village of the Aryan Valley .

Reaching the village entails a 2 hour downhill cycle ride for the brave-hearted. Not much is known about the Brokpa, especially since travellers weren’t allowed into their villages as of 5 years ago. They dwell in the isolated Ladakhi hamlets of Darchiks and Garkone along the river Indus and claim to be direct descendants of the long-lost army of Alexander the Great. “Some even claim that they are the ‘purest, surviving Aryan race’ or the ‘Master Race’. Brokpa in Ladakhi literally means ‘people who live in the higher reaches of the mountains (usually above village settlements),” Little Local tells us. A fair complexion, deep brown eyes and a unique, colourful floral attire consisting of heavily ornamented dresses distinguish them starkly from the other Ladakhi tribes. Many myths and legends are associated with the Brokpa and the workshop will essentially be an exploration of that along with the documentation of oral history, folklore, food, traditional outfits, language and religion, landscape and monuments, through various media such as conversations, filming, sketching, photography and so on and the final outcome would be a digital publication and a short film about the Brokpa tribe. The workshop will be led by a team of practitioners from the field of design, film making and research.

The programme has been planned over a week starting June 2, keeping aside adequate time for acclimatisation, and four days of complete immersion in these respective places. Participants will stay in traditional homestays and get ample time to interact with locals and fellow travellers. Evenings would be spent under the stars and around the bonfire exchanging experiences.

Little Local is specifically looking for artists, designers, film-makers, photographers, architects and writers. It is a great chance for creative minds looking out for an immersive travel experience combined with hands-on learning and creating a community impact. Interested people need to go the website and fill out a form highlighting their skills and interest in the programme, thereafter which they would be contacted by the Little Local Team.

The cost of the program is Rs 29,999/- and is inclusive of stay, meals, internal logistics, workshop and mentors. Travel to and from Leh is not included.

For more details about the Garkone Village workshop, check out their website here and Facebook page here.

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