Long Live the 2000s! The Jackals Are Among Us and The Koniac Net

koniac net, indie band, india music jason d souza, david abraham
The Koniac Net is a well kept secret – an indie rock bracket scrawled by David Abraham, though also comprising of four reserved gentleman, named here in no particular order: Adil Kurwa, Jason D'Souza, Ishaan Krishna, and Karun Kannampilly.
I. The Music
How long have you been writing music for?
Why didn’t One Last Monsoon ride out on that note?
koniac net, indie band, india music jason d souza, david abraham
I think it’s fair to assume you had a healthy catalogue of music on you. Yet, if I can remember correctly, the first band you started in India was a covers band, Voices for Slogans?
Voices for Slogans?
There’s a second album?
Why bother with your debut album One Last Monsoon at all?
You’ve told me there’s an EP in the works too?
Like that song you guys played earlier? That got heavy.
If all your records are shining tributes to the genres you love, don’t you worry there might be something in there that’s not essentially, well, David?
And don’t get me wrong: It’s great that you have such a strong control over your music but does that leave any room for your band member’s talents?
These are still all changes in the live space – how about on record, are most of the songs already set in stone?
koniac net, indie band, india music jason d souza, david abraham, chakit sharma
That’s lovely. Will this thought breed collaboration?
Words: Gaffer Wolf

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