
The Voice Of Many Generations: KK's Music Will Live On Forever

Meghna Mathew

If we think back to some remarkable moments of our lives - not the big, defining ones - but the ones that handed us decades of stories, we would probably find music to be a big part of it. The tune you had your first kiss to, or the song you and your closest friends jammed to till dawn, and perhaps even a goodbye song that still wells you up - these are all special and how. Chances are, KK’s music was there with you through it all.

The passing of someone like KK comes not as something that is to be consumed as news, but as something that pinches us. The man, responsible for some of our most vibrant memories, left us with a longing for an encore. His music for the Hindi film industry - from Aankhon Mein Teri (Om Shanti Om, 2007) to Aashayein (Iqbal, 2005) - leaves us dedicating ourselves to it even now.

We would not be reaching too far if we said that KK was the voice of more than one generation. A performer and artist who truly knew how to touch our hearts through joy, pain, and even nostalgia, the 53-year-old graced India with some of the biggest tunes.

While in Gori Gori (Main Hoon Na, 2004) we found our party anthem, in Pyaar Ke Pal (1999), KK made us feel closer to ourselves. It is a guaranteed sing-along every time this tune is played, and we can’t help but appreciate, honour, and remember the magic of this special song.

His loss is felt far and wide. It feels like a small part of our childhood and lives coming to an end, but his music lives on to prove otherwise.

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