
Lean Back On This Innovative Handmade Furniture Inspired By The Human Spine

Homegrown Staff

“Every architect dreams to create a perfect Church, so every designer dreams to create a perfect chair,” states the Spyndi Kickstarter campaign page. Spearheaded by renowned Lithuanian furniture designer Mindaugas Zilionis, Spyndi is a creative, innovative and playful handmade piece of multi-purpose furniture. Consisting of a combination of 60 pieces of wood of various sizes, as well as locking pieces and joiners — a total of 1260/1650 smaller wooden segments — this transformative furnishing can be made, taken apart, and remade depending on your personal whims and fancies into a variety of designs — armchair, lounger, rocking chair, stool, side table and stools are just a few things you can make among countless others.

The unconventional Spyndi is the result of 9 years of hard work, designing and modelling and became a reality with the help of a Kickstarter campaign that put it on the global map. It may seem obvious by the name, the design was inspired by the human spine — “flexible and strong,” as stated on the company’s website. “The Spyndi is an example of luxurious design and everlasting quality, a distinctive piece of multifunctional furniture that fits perfectly to exclusive, innovative and playful lifestyle,” they write.

Image source: Gear Nova

This design may just be the epitome of the term multi-purpose, and although it may not look very sturdy, flimsy even, the designer assures us that Spyndi holds form regardless of how you customise it with an ‘Alien key’ that locks and unlocks each wooden section. Stress resistant, it can be used indoors or outdoors; it can be dismantled and packed up, recreated into any shape by sliding one piece into another, attaching it to create basically whatever you can dream up–although Spyndi comes with assembly instructions and design suggestions. Spyndi has come a long way from its very first presentation at a design competition in Lithuania, to now being a global sensation thanks to social media and its Kickstarter campaign page. This incredible creation stands testament to the endless possibilities and the true genius of human imagination.

Courtesy of Insider

Click here to pre-order and read more about the creation of the Spyndi.

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