India’s efforts to operate in a more sustainable way have been a hot topic of discussion, ever since green initiatives like the Swacch Bharat program made their debut. Recently, the Mumbai government also joined the cause with its ban on single-use plastic products like cutlery and bags. But now, Indians themselves are leading the charge towards environmental sustainability.
Hoopoe on a Hill, a company based in Kodaikanal, is taking a step towards a greener earth by selling beeswax wraps, handmade food storage wraps that can effectively replace plastic, cling film. Priced at ₹390 for a set of three, these wraps are made with organic cotton and natural beeswax, a wax produced by honey bees of the Shola forests. Purchasable in adorable, multicoloured animal and floral patterns, Hoopoe on a Hill’s Beeswax wraps also contain anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, making them reusable and sustainable products.
This company is run by four women bringing economic opportunities to Tamil Nadu’s adivasi communities that already have an old ritual to trade collected honey for other goods. Now, when the Paliyans forage for raw honey, they trade it to Hoopoe on a Hill for money and contribute to sustainable living.
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