Check Out These Affordable Alternatives To Your Everyday Plastic Products

Check Out These Affordable Alternatives To Your Everyday Plastic Products
Almitra Sustainables
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2 min read

India – one of the world’s most densely populated countries – generates several megatonnes of plastic and other non-recyclable waste daily, making it vital to push for environmentally friendly legislation. The recent state-wide ban of single-use plastics in Maharashtra is an important first-step towards national sustainability. The rule has been well-received by vendors and consumers alike, who are willing to become more eco-friendly but are finding it hard to get affordable alternatives.

Like many others, Almitra Sustainables an earth-conscious company across India, is making a huge leap to change that. They offer a whole range of affordable products that are ethically sourced, naturally made and packaged in an eco-friendly way. In their health and wellness line, they sell anti-microbial, biodegradable bamboo toothbrushes for just Rs. 90 (a person goes through an average of 300 plastic toothbrushes in their lifetime - multiply that by the earth’s multi-billion population and you’ll see why this might be the best 90 rupees you can spend for the planet) and all-natural sheemsham wood combs, which provide essential nutrients to nourish your hair and prevent unsustainable hair fall.

In an effort to reduce mass-consumption of plastics, they sell everyday household essentials like plates, cutlery, straws and stationery – all made from inventive (and recyclable) materials like birchwood, cornstarch and bagasse. They also have creative, brightly coloured hand-woven totes that won’t twist up and hurt your fingers on your way back from grocery shopping, and as an added bonus won’t clog up sewage lines or kill hundreds of fish in the sea.

Run by a passionate team, their website features a blog encouraging everyone to be more earth-conscious, offering tips and guides for making small everyday habit changes that can help us all adopt a more sustainable lifestyle.

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