10 Verified Mental Health Initiatives To Help You Navigate Through These Uncertain Times

10 Verified Mental Health Initiatives To Help You Navigate Through These Uncertain Times

What felt like the end of a year of pandemic-caused chaos turned out to be only the beginning as we continue to find ourselves in the midst of the second wave. Just when a routine trip to the grocery store started feeling less threatening, the COVID-19 resurgence has plunged us into a wave of death and despair again.

Adding to the grim reality is the mental upheaval of living through these unprecedented times and the inevitable COVID fatigue that has been taking a toll on our mental health.

Homegrown brings to you a curated list of verified organisations that are providing online or telephonic counselling to provide you with a safe space for venting or even seeking some advice from mental health professionals.

I. Therapize India

Therapize India is a venture offering free one to one counselling sessions as well as COVID-19 Support Circles focusing on grief, burnout, and anxiety with 80+ qualified psychologists dedicated to helping us navigate through these tough times.

Each support circle consists of four live sessions that are due to take place on all Saturdays this month from 11 to 12.30 pm. You can get access to four sessions at 250 INR.

Click here for more information.

II. The Zehak Project

A one-of-its-kind project that focuses on providing therapy sessions at affordable rates for every range.

You can book a session through Instagram messages.

Click here to find them on Instagram.

III. Yellow Club

Yellow Club is an initiative aimed at facilitating online therapy through their interactive mobile app and website that connects you with qualified professionals.

Book your session as per your budget and availability. Each session ranges from 500-2000 INR.

Click here to know more.

IV. Talk To Me

Talk To Me is an NGO committed to making quality mental health services affordable and accessible along with providing free therapy to the underprivileged.

Click here for more information.

V. SheSays

SheSays has started a support group initiative named #Makearoom that provides a safe space to young people from marginalised communities. The group sessions are to be conducted in 2 groups with 8-12 participants each with 4 sessions spaced out over 4 weeks. The support groups will be facilitated by trauma-informed therapists from Talk To Me NGO and will be completely free of cost.

Click here to know more.

VI. The Mind Clan

The Mind Clan is a one-stop platform for all your mental health resources. Be it support groups, quick mental health bites or therapy sessions, they provide it all. Additionally, the platform keeps hosting mental health workshops and events that seek to bring you relief during these tough times.

Click here to find more about them.

VII. Now&Me

If you need a trusted and non-judgemental space to vent but shy away from one-to-one interaction, then Now&Me is the ideal platform for you to share your experiences anonymously with compassionate strangers. The 24-hour moderation keeps bullies away and users get a trigger warning before they’re shown any sensitive content. Now&Me has hosted teenagers, adults, and senior citizens alike, who come to talk about everything from relationships to sexual orientation, family and more, says Vogue.

Click here to know more.


If you or someone around you is experiencing suicidal thoughts or is undergoing trauma caused by distressing situations, AASRA claims to come to the rescue with its team of trained professionals volunteering to provide assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week via telephonic sessions available in English and Hindi. Call the helpline number to get connected with a suitable therapist.

Call +91 9820466726 or click here.

IX. Lifeline Foundation

Lifeline Foundation is a Kolkata-based NGO offering pan-India assistance to anyone who needs help coping with mental illness and distress through telephonic therapy sessions that are run seven days a week, from 10 am to 10 pm. The platform also conducts workshops and events to shed light on the importance of mental health.

Call: 033-40447437, 09088030303

Click here to reach out.

X Sumaitri

Sumaitri proves to be a crisis intervention centre for people experiencing self-harming tendencies or suicidal thoughts. They offer telephonic counselling conducted by trained volunteers, seven days a week, from 2 pm to 6.30 pm.

Call: 011-23389090, 09315767849

Click here to know more.

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