A Trans Model Protests 72 Countries That Ban Homosexuality By Wearing A Gown Made Of Their Flag

A Trans Model Protests 72 Countries That Ban Homosexuality By Wearing A Gown Made Of Their Flag

Even though globally the fight for the equality has overcome major obstacles in terms of marriage equality and homosexuality, 72 countries around the world still hold any deviations from the heteronormative societal beliefs as illegal. As per a report by Vox, 12 of them even allow the death penalty to be given for homosexuality, so when we hear of people fighting the good fight, for what many perceive as ‘LGBTQI rights’ but is in fact just simply human rights, it comes as such a breath of fresh air. It’s people like designer Matjis van Bergen and artist Oeri van Woezek who are creatively protesting against the prejudice and discrimination doled out against members of the LGBTQI community that truly deserve respect, admiration and recognition for their efforts, however small it may seem to some. The duo created a bright kaleidoscopic dress made up of the flags of countries where homosexuality is still illegal.

Model Valentijnb de Hingh was selected to adorn this incredible dress, being the first transgender woman to be signed by modelling giant IMG Models. Photographed by Pieter Henket, the imaged was posted on Instagram and has since gone viral across international boundaries for its silent protest. Moreover, according to Metro News’ report, each time one of the depicted countries takes a major step forward towards inclusion and acceptance and makes changes in state legislations, the designers have ensured that the nations representative flag will be removed and replaced by a rainbow. The hope and ultimate goal is that each country moves forward, turn by turn, making it a dress of just rainbows and a world of tolerance and acceptance.

Feature Image Courtesy of Mic

Words: Divija Mohan
