#HGPlaylist 5: Oji's Mikhail Mehra

#HGPlaylist 5: Oji's Mikhail Mehra
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3 min read

In the past, we've decoded, reconstructed and thoroughly analyzed the whirlwind persona of Mikhail Mehra in such detail that it feels trivial to reword any of it. So we'll stick to old phrasings to prepare you for the founder of cloak-and-dagger events company Oji's playlist.

"Mikhail Mehra hardly displays the yellow-eyed, spotty-tongued form you might expect from someone who's job profile includes raising inebriated hell with the likes of artists like Skrillex, Datsik, Skream & Benga (to name but a few) even while he personifies them via video formats, on the road and onstage."

A seriously talented videographer (you can see his entire portfolio here) at 23, he's managed to accomplish more in the world of frivolous frequencies than most and considering his Flux Pavilion tour is just around the corner, we thought his own personal playlist might be especially apt to get everyone in the mood.  So without further ado, it's all Mehra from here on out.

Mikhail Mehra
Mikhail Mehra

"Tracks on Tracks."

I. Thuggin - Freddie Gibbs & Madlib

One thing I never thought i'd do when I grew up was go to a shitload of meetings, and little did I know that I would actually enjoy going to them. The reason I enjoy going to meetings is because making deals is the closest I will ever get to living out my Patrick Bateman/Ari Gold/Jack Donaghy fantasy without having to ever become a "corporate bro" . And usually when I walk away from a negotiation with what I want; i'll bump this on the way home.

II. Eprom - Center of the sun

This past birthday I went to visit some old friends in Seattle, Washington. My friend Ian greeted me at the airport in an old Cadillac and gave me a bottle of Stella (my favorite beer) upon arrival. As soon as we hit the freeway, Ian dropped this track by Eprom. It reminded me of why we're boys.

III. Kanye - i'm in it

Kanye has always been one of my favorite musicians of all time. I listened to College Dropout and Late Registration religiously when I was growing up. Many people thought he was out of his mind when he dropped Yeezus this past year, but I think it's probably the most ahead of its time album that we will ever hear in the mainstream. The fact that he worked with Hudson Mowhake, Gesaffelstein, Lunice and Brodinski says it all, he is more on the ball than ever.

IV. Wiley Flyin

After 6 hours of sitting in at a desk editing. Albeit in a comfy ass chair, one starts to get claustrophobic. Cue the baddest badman Wiley.

V. Joey Badass - 99 to infinity 

This is the song that got me back into hip hop, period.

VI]. Danny Brown - Dope Fiend

Danny Brown did what Kanye tried to do this year, though to a much better reception. I love that Danny is heavily influenced by Grime and UK hip hop. Grime off course being the genre that heavily influenced Dubstep in its early stages. A rapper collaborating with Rustie to make dark twisted rap is right up my alley and I find it perfect to browse the internet to.

VII. New York Transit Authority - 95

To me 2013 was clearly the year in which house was revived. As someone who feverently listened to Dubstep for the past few years, I often balanced it out with a good amount of minimal and deep house so I welcomed the revival. N.Y.T.A., formerly Mensah, used to make some of the most progressive bass music in the UK and I think this was probably one of the sickest tunes to come out of the shift back to house.

VIII]. Deerhunter - Little Kids

As someone who grew up in one of the largest and most crowded cities in the world, Mumbai, I consider myself a city boy. When I moved to San Francisco for college, people would often make plans to go relax in the park, some friends would throw renegade parties in random secluded parts of the city.

One time some friends threw a party on a cliff near a beach, i'm not sure how we didn't get shut down. I can definitely get into the whole nature thing it if i'm camping or hiking (which is rare), but i'm most at home in a concrete jungle with a main road and corner shop a short walk away. Though if i'm in the wild, I favoUr Deerhunter.

And, and for an honorable mention, 2 words: Anabel Englund
