Sharavan Tiffin Seva — A Mumbai Doctor's Free Service For The Elderly

Sharavan Tiffin Seva
Sharavan Tiffin SevaSharavan Tiffin Seva

There are but a few occupations that could rival a doctor, when it comes to good karma. Yet, here’s a doctor who wasn’t pleased with only saving lives through his practice — Dr. Uday Modi took a step ahead, and started a free tiffin service for the elderly. “One of my patients was an old fellow, he must have been around 78. He showed up at my door, all helpless. His wife was chronically ill, and couldn’t do anything on her own. This couple was old, poor, without even 10 rupees to buy a vada pao. He said he needed food, it moved me and that is when I decided that I want to feed the needy elderly for nothing in return,” he said, in an article by India Times.

His tiffin service, named ‘Sharavan Tiffin Seva’ started small, over a decade ago. He named it after Sharavan Kumar, a figure in Hindu mythology, known for his undying devotion to his parents. Through this service, today he feeds about 500 senior citizens! Initially, his wife Kalpana would prepare the food at home, as it started off with only 11 tiffins, but now, he even caters to diabetics, and ensures their food is cooked in a separate kitchen.

Sharavan Tiffin Seva

Of course, supporting this cause of his, isn’t easy. Monthly bills come up to INR 3 lakhs, and he admits it is a little tough for the family. “My chest swells with pride when my kids come back and give me tiny bits of their savings to be put in for the seva. Lots of people come forward and support, I am sure it will go on, and with the grace of God, we will be able to reach out to more and more helpless elderly.” As of now, the service is only catering to those in Bhayandar, Mumbai.

In the future, he hopes to set up a space for the elderly. One that will not just look after their food, but everything else as well — an old age home, where they are genuinely cared for. We constantly blame our busy lives, for our inability to do the same, but Dr. Modi managed to find a way to balance his hectic work schedule, and his tiffin service. Perhaps a little more support his way, could help ease his burden.

If you’re interested in getting in touch with him, or contributing to his cause, please visit their Facebook page.
