10 Animal Shelters You Can Help Out This Christmas

10 Animal Shelters You Can Help Out This Christmas
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7 min read

With Christmas right around the corner, there is a festive cheer in the air that’s almost tangible. As the lights go up and candles are burnt, we come together across the country to celebrate and share this experience with our loved ones. While we’re home, all dressed up, filling our bellies with food and love, there are still people out there that are working hard to make sure that the most vulnerable section of our society is still being taken care of. We’re talking about the shelters, hospitals and animal heroes across the country. Christmas may be a festival of lights and cheer for us humans, but for our animal friends, but our animal friends in shelters are still left in the dark, more so the ones that are homeless.

In the spirit of giving this year, lets help those that can’t help themselves as well as the people that have sacrificed a lot just to aid voiceless animals around the country. A simple internet search will present you with a long list of people and organisations that are doing great work with our wildlife, and we’ve compiled a list of a few of them that you too can help during this season of kindness and giving. So, instead of buying another box of decorations, two more kinds of wine or that extra pair of earrings just in case your friend doesn’t like her Christmas present, why not donate to those that will take that little amount and put it to great use? Be it through providing and raising funds or donating supplies, there’s something we can all do.

Mr Shrimali once held the position of Senior Manager at the State Bank of India, and while he seemingly had everything that one would want to live a life of comfort, it just wasn’t enough for him. He gave up his high-ranking position and in 2014 he got a piece of land and opened the first shelter for injured and disabled animals. Today, it’s home to over thirty dogs, many of them abandoned and paralysed.

The shelter runs on money from the pension Mr. Shrimali and his wife get every month. It’s not always easy on their budget, but Mr. Shrimali says he has never been happier and has no regrets. If you would like to contribute and donate money to Mr. Shrimali’s shelter, you can contact him at mahendrashrimali@hotmail.com

Established in 1874, the BSPCA has tirelessly worked to prevent animal cruelty, provide aid and conduct rescues. Along with the Bai Sakarbai Dinshaw Petit Hospital for Animal, BSPCA works with all animals from dogs and cats, to even turtles, owls and emus!

They work to further animal rights, facilitate animal adoptions, conduct neutering drives and help anyone in need. Donate, volunteer and find out how you can help here.

Source: BSPCA Mumbai

III. Friendicoes, New Delhi

From a small 2-room set up in the 1970s, Friendicoes has grown into one of the most renowned and hardworking animal shelters and rescue groups in the country. Located under the same Defence Colony flyover they originally established themselves at, they now house a much larger shelter as well as an out-patient department, an in-house clinic, two operation theaters including a lab and x-ray unit, and a ‘country sanctuary’ that’s home to thousands of animals in Gurgaon!

With a dedicated team of workers and volunteers, Friendicoes works hard to be the voice of the voiceless and with a round-the-clock ambulance that serves countless animals around the national capital along with their night clinic.

Friendicoes’ providing shelter, medical aid, foster parents and recurring adoption drives, and you can help by donating, volunteering and sponsoring animals and their medical care here.

Source: Harshita Makhija

IV. Animal Aid Unlimited, Rajasthan

Founded in 2002, Animal Aid Unlimited (AAU) conducts daring rescues, provides medical care, shelter and sanctuary to thousands of animals on the streets of Udaipur. You’ve probably seen a video or two of their incredible work and rescue missions on your Facebook feeds, and those would be just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to their love and dedication for animals.

It’s not only treatments and neutering that they do, but also conduct outreach and awareness campaigns to engage the community to come together and better the lives of all living creatures around them. Their sanctuary serves as a safe haven for dogs, cats, donkeys and cows, to name a few, that are too weak or unfit to survive on the streets.

You can help these animal crusaders by volunteering, donating, sponsoring animals and even heading to their online shop of trinkets – all proceeds goes towards furthering their mission. Click here for more information about what you can do.

You probably heard of this not-for-profit organisation when their animal welfare workers petitioned, fought hard and managed to get the release of numerous beagles that were kept in labs for animal testing. This is just one of the incredible things they’ve done and continue to do. Hands-on rescue operations, rehabilitating ill and injured animals, as well as setting up awareness campaigns and educational programs regarding the need to reduce the animal-human conflict and environmental conservation are their main goals.

Public engagement for them is of as much importance as is the safety and welfare of animals – the two go hand-in-hand. Their facilities include a hospital and rehabilitation centre (Treatment OPD & ICU), ambulances, 150+ Recovery Units for Small Animals and 30+ Recovery Units for Cattle & other Large Animals as well as a medical store and a Halfway Home for Abandoned and Special Need Animals.

These kinds of selfless efforts come at a price and you can help them by sponsoring an animal that is in desperate need of medical aid, sponsor a project, donating money and adopting a RESQ animal. Click here for more information on how you can get involved.

Source: ResQ

Built on half an acre of land in Jakkur village, CARE was established in 2013 when a group of animal lovers recognised the need for a safe space for animals in their city. The inspiration here is Charlie, a 10-year-old 3-legged Indian dog who served as a very special therapy dog with differently abled children since 2005.

CARE has an ambulance service (9AM-5PM), a distress helping, boarding facility for cats and dogs; they prove 24 hour veterinary care and facilitate animal adoptions, among a list of other great things. What can you? Adopt, volunteer and donate so CARE can further their facilities and expand their centre to house more animals in need – find more information here.

The Visakha Society For the Protection and Care of Animals has been one of India’s leaders in animal welfare since its inception in 1994. Their goal is to care for animals of any shape or size and currently have projects in place to safeguard India’s cows, turtle, birds and even cobras. Their local projects focus on reducing the number of strays with an animal birth control program and they even have a branch that provides nutritious vegan meals to the homeless.

To donate money or goods, sponsor a pet or become a full-time member of their team click here.

This Kolkata-based NGO was established in 2004 to foster a better relationship between Indians and the thousands of strays that fill the streets. Through comprehensive awareness and adoption drives they aim to educate people about how they can get involved. One of their major struggles is getting every dog vaccinated and in healthy physical conditions so that even if they aren’t put up for adoption they can continue to live safe and happy lives.

To know more, donate or sponsor a dog, click here.

Source: Debasree Roy Foundation

VII. Blue Cross India, Chennai

Their name is virtually synonymous with animal welfare in Chennai and have drawn nationwide acclaim for their excellence in their field. Though it started small with the four founding members today the effects of their work are being reflected throughout their domain. They have many volunteers from all walks of life who freely donate their time and expertise to facilitating their projects which treat and rehome strays.

To join in their fight or to donate to the cause click here.

Feature image courtesy of Friendicoes via Facebook.

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