15 Eunuchs Emerge As Heroes In Delhi's Communal Riots

15 Eunuchs Emerge As Heroes In Delhi's Communal Riots

[The feature image used is for representational purposes only and is courtesy, www.india-hijras.com]

Diwali celebrations in Trilokpuri locality in East Delhi, were marred by an orgy of violence as two groups clashed on the streets on Friday evening, with the police firing tear gas shells and lathi charge to quell the violence. 14 people were arrested on Sunday on the grounds of rumour-mongering and fanning tension, also having made hoax calls to the police about stone pelting and violence.

Image Source: Praveen Khanna, Indian Express

In the unbecoming and rather shameful chaos however, 15 eunuchs emerged as defending saviours when a mob with swords and stones charged towards Block 35. The eunuchs guarded the entrance and threatened to start taking their clothes off in front of the armed mob of angry, if the latter didn’t retreat immediately. Generally a threat that eunuchs use to extort money, this time, it was employed in the name of a noble cause that they literally put themselves on the line for.
And it worked, too. The mob backed off.

Image Source: IBtimes.co.in

The same group has also taken up an initiative in the name of another cause – handing out brooms to Hindus and Muslims alike, they have kicked off a sanitation drive by asking them to clean up the stones, debris and shards of glass on the streets left in the wake of the clash. Although the tension endures, the group has ensured that peace prevails in Block 35, as the locality slowly picks itself up to limp back to normalcy.
”The condition of the area was so bad that people weren’t able to even walk on the roads. Sanitation staff hasn’t come after the riots. Someone has to clean these streets as we all have to live here in the end,” Laila Sa, the chief of the group, who has been living here since 1976, told TOI. The eunuchs and other residents also take turns guarding the gates to ensure that their neighbourhood remains safe. “We sit outside on the benches all the time. Iron gates are installed at the entrance, segregating one block from another. We take turns to guard the gate.”
Despite assurances by the eunuchs, two Muslim families that lived in the block have shifted out. “When they left, we all felt very bad. Even the Hindus in this block assured them but in such a situation nothing works. Even when they were getting in the rickshaw outside the block, we asked them to stop,” said Laila.

Image Source: Praveen Khanna, Indian Express
Image Source: ibtimes.co.in

Over 30 PCR vans, water cannons and riots control vehicles had been stationed in the area for safekeeping. The oddest part is, residents belonging to both communities remain uncertain as to how the riots were first sparked, with most of them of the opinion that it’s an outside job; a situation that has been imposed on them without their involvement at all.

Words: Aditi DharmadhikariFeature Image Courtesy: www.india-Hijras.com

[The feature image used is for representational purposes only and is courtesy, www.india-hijras.com]
