A Breathtaking Photoseries Capturing The Snow Capped Beauty Of Spiti Valley

A Breathtaking Photoseries Capturing The Snow Capped Beauty Of Spiti Valley
Prachi Sethi

The images and words below are from filmmaker Prachi Sethi’s project, “Below Zero”.

Winter, which embraces Himachal’s Spiti Valley in the first week of November, and stays on until the fourth week of March, is a cold, harsh and tough time in the valley. The cottony snow is constant - stretching on for as far as the eye can see. The horizon is a myth, for you can never tell where land ends and the skies begin. As winter sets in, Spiti Valley assumes a timeless nature – like an enchanting postcard waiting for you to dive right in. With temperatures going below -20 degrees centigrade, the Spiti river has more or less frozen up. A few defiant streams tirelessly cut through the ice, giving a surreal glazed feel to the basin.

“Below Zero” was an eye opening experience. With temperatures dipping to - 25 degrees, Spiti in winters was nothing but an enthralling journey. The project centered around creating design based audio-visual content to be used by Spiti Holiday Adventure to promote tourism in and around Spiti with careful consideration towards the environment and the sustainability surrounding it.

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