A First In 175 Years: Hyderabad’s Law & Order Police Station To Be Headed By A Woman

A First In 175 Years: Hyderabad’s Law & Order Police Station To Be Headed By A Woman
The Indian Express

Country-wide, and even globally, law enforcement requires sensitivity toward situations, people, and surroundings. When women are involved in events that require the attention of law enforcement, the sheer presence of a female officer puts them at ease, instantly making it a safer environment.

It is surprising to think that till 2020, only 12 per cent of the police force is made up of women. But, on Women’s Day 2022, Hyderabad and its police force took a step toward progress. For the first time in its 175-year history, the Law and Order (L&O) police station will see a woman leading it. The Indian Express tells us, “K Madhulatha, a 2002-batch officer, took charge as the station house officer (SHO) of Lallaguda police station in the north zone of Hyderabad City Police.”

The 42-year-old leading lady is from Jagtial district and received her degree in economics from Osmania University.

“It is a challenging job. I would try to be an inspiration to all my female colleagues so that more and more women rise to occupy posts traditionally held by men (in the police department).”

— K Madhulatha (via Indian Express)

This is not her first leadership responsibility, as she comes after completing several leading posts such as first woman officer to head the IT Corridor Women Police station. She will now head ‘six sub-inspectors, seven assistant sub-inspectors, 65 police constables, and 18 home guards’.

It took 175 years for this to happen. Here’s hoping the next woman to be appointed in a leadership capacity comes way, way sooner than that.

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