An App Can Now Help Find The Blood Banks And Donors Closest To You

An App Can Now Help Find The Blood Banks And Donors Closest To You

Technology has made it that much easier to help save lives in emergency situations, thanks to Bangalore-based software engineer Krishna Kant Tiwari. Created by Tiwari, the app Ausodhyamatika helps a user find all the closest registered blood banks and donors in a 100 km radius using Google Maps. This can be extended further using an advanced search option. The app currently has a 4.2 rating on Android, with over 10,000 downloads.
Tiwari told

The Hindu, “Mobile phone users could easily find donors’ contact number and also can track them using the in-built GPS system.” Any donor can enroll his or her name in a database list to help people who are in urgent need of a particular blood group--a service which is not available in any blood bank. In addition, the app can be used to track down any hospital name, number and address. It also offers data on clinics, pathology labs, pharmacies, diagnostics, nursing homes and veterinary hospitals that have been registered with the government, making it a one-stop destination for most medical information. A ‘Report Abuse’ option is included in the app so that users can flag down any misuse.

Image Source: The Hindu

Speaking to Your Story, Tiwari said he felt the need to help eradicate corruption and decided to start with the healthcare industry. The idea for Ausodhyatmika came in June 2014 when he saw an NDTV special about doctors and pharmaceutical companies. He was struck by how pharmaceutical companies often bribe doctors to prescribe their medication for profit, and felt that patients were exploited as a result. The app he created provides a database of over one lakh medicines and their combinations so that users can be more informed about what is being prescribed to them as well. Tiwari decided to educate people about medication they take so they can’t be cheated or exploited, and can afford it. He launched the first installment of the app in 2015.
Tiwari maintains that Ausodhyamatika is a social service application that makes no profit and generates no revenue. He states that his aim is to empower the Indian people with medical knowledge that can help curb corruption in healthcare, and give those in need access to registered blood facilities in emergency situations.

Feature Image Courtesy of The Hans India

Words: Divija Mohan 
