Artist Profiles For PUMA #KeepItReal - Collectors & Curators Edition

Artist Profiles For PUMA #KeepItReal - Collectors & Curators Edition
Puma, Collectors, and currators

Aside from the collector chaos that will be showcased at tomorrow’s event, we promised to provide a multi-sensory experience. That’s why we have a few select photographers & illustrators showcasing particulars from their projects; curated ipod & vinyl listening sessions and even short film screenings. All of which guarantee there’ll be something special for every kind of enthusiast.

Just to give you a sneak peak of what you can expect in the flesh, we collated all the above-mentioned creators & curators under Homegrown’s virtual roof. Scroll on to see what you’ll miss if you don’t show up:

I. Film Makers & Short films:

The following are the two films that are poised to be screened tomorrow evening.  
A. Baumi Baumsen - Holy Stoked Next Generation 
Synopsis: This short documentary depicts the plight of swarms of street children who had only just begun to enjoy the privileges of a free for all skate park, built by The Holy Stoked Collective. This collective has dedicated a fair chunk of their time to both harness these childrens’ talents as well as build this wonderful park and now are being forced to fight against a court case filed by a lawyer who has personal issues with the situation. A must-watch for all those who believe in community support and the importance of creating free spaces for young children to cultivate outdoor skill.

Holystoked NEXT GENERATION!!! from Bauminski on Vimeo.
B. Mithun Bhat - The Back of The Busk (Flyer Attached)
Synopsis: New York City is one of the few metropolis’ in the world that supports buskers and is known as a “Busker Haven” when it comes to the audience, reach, and vibe that the city provides. Buskers in NYC receive a tremendous amount of love and support that other cities don’t offer. The city, being a melting pot of different cultures and races, offers great diversity in the busking acts that are performed there. Keeping all of this in mind, the filmmakers captured buskers that really have a zing in one way or the other for showcasing their talent to the world.

Puma, Collectors, and currators

II. Photographers + Illustrators + Other Artists

The following is a list of the artists/ illustrators/designers & photographers who will be exhibiting their works at the event.
A. Sudeep Bhattacharya – Photographer
Sudeep Bhattacharya is a Photographer and Film maker currently based in Bangalore, India. A Master of Arts (Media Production) from Queensland College of Art, Australia, he has professionally worked in Advertising, Film production, Sustainable design, Internet media and Marketing. Sudeep’s creativity is driven by an insatiable curiosity of life, and a desire to experiment, explore and discover. He currently uses photography as his main medium, exploring and experimenting its boundaries in a quest for beauty and expression that goes beyond realism. A keen focus on creating stories and a distinct narrative style is a binding theme across his work which reflects an amalgamation of diverse influences. He aspires through his pieces to evoke experiential responses that absorb, and resonate with the audience. He is especially excited about hybrid media, video art, installations and immersive multimedia experiences.

Puma, Collectors, and currators

You can explore his work more here.
B. Anantpal Singh Saluja - Photographer & Designer
Anantpal Singh Saluja is a Visual Artist based out of Bangalore, India. He strives to bring beautiful things together through the medium of digital art. His creative process of developing a photograph is a combination of a perfect shoot and strong post processing. Anantpal enjoys all genres of photography; surreal portraits being his favorite.

Puma, Collectors, and currators
Puma, Collectors, and currators

You can explore his work more here. 
C. Gayatri Hariharan - Illustrator & Designer 
Gayatri is a design student who loves to draw, read, drink peach iced tea and look at the trees. Her exhibition at PUMA #KeepItReal will be her first ever and she’s brimming with enthusiasm at the thought of it!

Puma, Collectors, and currators

You can explore her work further over here. 

D. Meghal Anukul - Illustrator 7 Designer 

Meghal Anukul is a 21-year-old 3rd year Visual Communication student from Srishti and an amateur lomographer who just started experimenting with film. She loves illustrating, anime, coffee and Murakami among other things.

Puma, Collectors, and currators

You can explore some of her works further overhere. 
[Anukul will also be displaying her collection of analogue/lomography cameras]
E. Tushar Ganguly - Illustrator Designer

Tushar Ganguly believes in magic. “It exists everywhere, if you just knew how to find it. It’s in the smallest of things that you find them; a carpet of leaves in autumn, sunlight trapped in a glass bottle lying on the road. It’s these things that make you realize how fickle life is, and make you appreciate every second that you’re living it. I express myself through my art, through my writing. I put a little bit of me in everything I do.”

Puma, Collectors, and currators

You can explore more of his deeply personal works here.

F. Amyth Venkataramaiah - Musician &  Designer 

Amyth is a 22-year-old, self-taught independent artist based in Bangalore, India. He creates websites, posters & sounds among other things, his only criteria being that he does what he does for good people. Other times he just sits around gazing at nothing.

Puma, Collectors, and currators
Puma, Collectors, and currators

You can explore more of his design works here.

G. Nithin Sadhu -Tape Artwork

Nithin Sadhu has found a medium of expression all unto his own. He creates portraits and artworks using only brown packing tape on clear plexiglass. And he’s displaying a juicy chunk of it at the event tomorrow so if you want to take a closer look, you know where you need to be.

Puma, Collectors, and currators
Puma, Collectors, and currators

Explore his work more over here.

H. Rakshith Ashok - Illustrator

Ashok is a Bangalore-based visual artist and music producer. He runs an outfit called ‘Bombatt!’ (which means awesome in Kannada) where he handles illustration and brand identity design for clients. In the realm of music, lifestyle and technology, he produces Hip-hop and electronic dance music under the name, Raka Ashok.

Puma, Collectors, and currators

You can explore more of his work over here.

I. Karan Kumar - Illustrator

Karan Kumar is a young, Bangalore-based artist. Currently a foundation student at Srishti School Of Art, Design & Technology; he has a keen interest in showcasing his work to the people of the city and see how they interpret & respond to it.

Puma, Collectors, and currators

You can explore his work more over here.
[We’ve also brought two of Bangalore’s musical maestros, Priyanka Blah & Sailen Ghosh, together to curate special playlists (a sneak peek of what will be going down at the event aurally speaking). Keep your eyes peeled for that first thing tomorrow morning.]
Also for more details about the event, head to the EVENT PAGE

Puma, Collectors, and currators