Bageeya: Sustainable Clothing Created by Local Artisans Using Temple Flowers

Bageeya: Sustainable Clothing Created by Local Artisans Using Temple Flowers

With the conversation around textiles and the pollution they cause gaining more momentum, many people are slowly turning away from fast fashion brands and are opting for more sustainable options. In response, many brands are also turning to more sustainable models of production from start to finish. Among these is Bageeya, a clothes brand working with local artisans and using natural dyes from plants and herbs.

“Bageeya carries its meaning from Hindi, translating to ‘a small garden’ – where the inspiration for their material, print, and texture comes from. The range of clothing takes inspiration from natural dyes which were believed to have medicinal properties for centuries. ‘The prints and textures on each article are uniquely formed using actual leaves and flowers.’ says their website.

Advocating for the conservation of the environment without compromising on fashion, Bageeya aims to combine sustainability with affordability and utility so as to bring a change in patterns of fashion consumption. Their sustainable model of business is developed by associating themselves with communities that believe in slow fashion and minimal wastage.

In an effort to minimize waste post the process of natural dyeing, the leftovers go into a compost pit to make organic fertilizer. With an inherent belief in collaborating with local communities, Bageeya consists of a small team of self-taught craftswomen from simple backgrounds who are instrumental in creating these stunning textile art pieces.

Checkout Bageeya here.

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