Life At The Indo-Bangladesh Border: A Photographer Sheds Light In #BorderTales

Life At The Indo-Bangladesh Border: A Photographer Sheds Light In #BorderTales
Adventuring across the border with Tinku
A flight descends at Agartala’s Singarbil airport where the landing Strip is a mere few meters from the International Border between India and Bangladesh.
Of Agartala airport and popular picnic spots 
Two boys trying to get a glimpse of an Aircraft from the Boundary wall of Agartala Airport. Prior to Border fencing this wall used to be what separated the Agartala Airport from Bangladesh.
A few meters on the Indian side of the Indo Bangladesh border on a BRTF (Border Road Task Force) road, a villager stops a vehicle from running over a snake.
Birds seated on the International Border Fence between India and Bangladesh.
A Women in veil waiting for permission to cross the Indo Bangladesh border fence.
A quack doctor selling a snakeskin at the weekly Indo Bangla international border market.
Indian Nationals showing their identity cards to an panchachayat employee to procure a day pass which would allow them to enter the Indo Bangla international border market set up at Srinagar, Tripura.
A man walks along a road that is separated from Bangladesh with mere waist length makeshift barbwire fencing at Chandannagar, Tripura.
Abandoned Border Security Force shed along the Indian side of the international border between India and Bangladesh at Bilonia, Tripura.
Uniforms of BSF Cadres hangs on a make shift fence that devides the two countries at Chandanpur, Tripura. Chandanpur is one of the many disputed patches where proper border fencing could not be done due to long pending demarcation issues between India and Bangladesh.
Boys on the banks of Khowai River, which acts as a natural border between India and Bangladesh.
A daily wage labor across the Indo Bangladesh border.
A group of men dancing as loudspeakers play popular Hindi songs at a picnic spot next to the Indo Bangladesh Border at Kamasagar, Tripura.

[This series was featured by the Katha Collective, an Instagram feed dedicated to mobile phone camera stories from India.]
