Burning Man's Art Installations This Year Look Absolutely Amazing

Burning Man's Art Installations This Year Look Absolutely Amazing

I. The Vulvatron

II. Wheel Of Fortune

III. The Lost Tea Party

IV. Celestial Mechanica

V. Wheels Of Zoroaster

VI. Return Of The Racken

VII. Tree Of (Im)Permanence

VIII. Hayam Sun Temple

IX. Squared

X. ParaSolvent

Created by a first-timer, artist Dan Benedict, the project’s aesthetics are meant to be kept under wrap until it debuts but the little we’ve heard has us excited. He described it as “a large ring of red parasols that pass through a human figure while closed. As the parasols exit the figure and rise they open, blossom toward the apex and close again on their way down.”

that you will see this year:
[Inspired & curated from Huffington Post article on the same.]