Delhi Doctors Run A Homosexuality 'Cure' Racket, Compare it To Schizophrenia & Hysteria

Delhi Doctors Run A Homosexuality 'Cure' Racket, Compare it To Schizophrenia & Hysteria
Image Source: Gaylaxy
"It is a six-to-nine-month contract until the boy gets cured. Some get cured in three months, others take over a year. The complete package costs Rs 1.1 lakh,"
"There was this man, 26-27 years' old, who used to have sex with other guys four to five times a day. His parents and family members were worried about his shameful behaviour and brought him here. After my treatment, he got married in three months and now is a father,"
"Before treatment, I have to know (patient's) history and find out if he has been abused as a child. He will first have to undergo counselling for 15 minutes; charges for which are Rs. 4,500. I will ask him several questions to help me decide whether to go for hormonal therapy or psychological therapy. For this, it's very important to evaluate the patient,”
Mail Today
"This is a neuropathic disorder, just like Schizophrenia, Mania, Bipolar Disorder and Hysteria,"
"It can be gauged only through observation. Keep a watch on what time the patient sleeps, find out if he wakes up in between to stimulate himself or watch pornography, whether he wants to be alone, whether he is afraid/hesitant to talk to women and if he is able to sustain eye contact. All these activities have to be watched,"
"Any attempt to convert people with definite sexual orientation is a crime. It is quackery and a violation of human rights. There is no evidence to show that any form of therapy can convert a homosexual into a heterosexual or vice versa,"
"Prescribing medicines without the knowledge of a patient is a crime even if it is under the instigation of parents or family members,"
"There is absolutely no scientific evidence that any of these treatments will work."
"Homosexuality is a variation of human sexuality. It is not a neuropsychiatric disorder. The best way to counter such practices is to increase public awareness and acceptance of homosexuals. To say that those sexually abused as children will turn out to be homosexuals is a fable,
"doctors found guilty would not be spared."