Devastating Accounts Of Young Indians Losing Their Parents To COVID-19

Devastating Accounts Of Young Indians Losing Their Parents To COVID-19

The COVID-19 travesty is widespread –– with thousands losing their lives to the deadly virus, one must remember that the numbers we see flashing on our TV screens every day were humans with families and ambitions.

Across the country, we have seen people sharing their experiences with loss. These stories, when out for the world to see, reiterate just how heartbreaking the situation in India is. From doctors themselves to relatives of patients, and crematorium workers to ambulance drivers, India is witness to some extremely grave stories of death and the fight for life.

Social media platform Reddit, too, has seen people sharing their stories and requesting advice. Filled with agony, here are a couple experiences that truly capture the pain behind each loss –– these are accounts of two Indian Reddit users of losing their parent(s).

I am a 19-year-old student and my father died because of COVID-19. He was the only source of income for our family and managed everything. I am dumb and don’t know anything about what to do now and how to continue. Can anyone give some tips or checklists of some tasks that I should do? He was working in private sector if this information helps.  

So my beloved dad and mom just passed away from COVID in the hospital today. I’m almost sleepless for almost a week. Uh those last moments I don’t want to remember them, I’ll literally faint. And I’m absolutely heart broken. I was more of a family guy than a friend guy. I just do not know what to do in life anymore. I don’t want to live anymore, why would I live to suffer? I would just take my life and meet my parents back in heaven. And I just have my uncle in Delhi who also passed away from COVID a few months ago. What will I do? I can’t pay or know how to pay rent or I’m just clueless. This is the effect after rallying during a pandemic. Just sad any recommendation on how to die, in not a painful way?.    

Both these accounts clearly portray the trauma and confusion pertaining to the loss of a parent - how do you go about life, without those who taught you how to live it?

Note: The featured image for this article is for representational purposes only.

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