Exciting New Peruvian Restaurant Opens In Mumbai, Welcome To Lima

Every now and then, a particular cuisine has its time in the global spotlight, delighting palates from New York to Sydney and everywhere in between. It’s happened with Japanese cuisine in the recent past, but as with many other things, India is a little slower on the uptake, usually playing culinary catch up. As a result, we’re behind by a whole margin as far as global food trends go but if restaurateurs get it right, it’s well worth the wait. That’s why Atul Kocchar’s new BKC lounge restaurant is at the tip of everybody’s tongues.

Welcome to Lima, Mumbai’s very first tryst with the latest food obsession--and we use the word ‘latest’ loosely because it’s a few years old in the West--Peruvian food.

The restaurant might be named after the Peruvian capital, but its menu serves up food that has been largely influenced the culinary history of Brazil, Peru and Mexico, including perfectly-balanced ceviche, chimmichangas, empanadas, and tiraditos. However, Kochhar is also a strong advocate for sustainability and buying local. As a result, plenty of the restaurant’s ingredients come from its local organic farm in Ganeshpuri, with only a few products being imported for authenticity. Moreover, he’s keeping things simple by having only 19 items on the menu, which allows him to keep changing things up every three months as planned. The interiors, designed by London’s Andy Lampard, have been inspired by the current wave of tribal and ethnic styles sweeping Peru. Whether Lima will do for the city’s culinary scene what Peruvian cuisine has done around the world,  we’ll just have to wait and see. But we’d be lying if we said we weren’t incredibly excited about the latest kid on the food block.
