Exhibitions, Workshops, & More: Attend This Year's Edition Of The Indian Photo Festival

 The IPF is a platform that unites not only professional photographers, budding talents, aficionados, but also the public
The IPF is a platform that unites not only professional photographers, budding talents, aficionados, but also the publicThe Indian Photo Festival

The air buzzes with anticipation as Hyderabad prepares to host the 9th edition of the Indian Photo Festival (IPF), a celebration of artistic vision and storytelling through the lens. Scheduled to commence on November 23rd at the State Art Gallery in Madhapur, this festival promises to be an unforgettable experience showcasing the best of photography.

The 2022 edition presented works by 420 established and emerging artists from 45 countries. The festival is a melting pot that brings together seasoned professionals and budding photographers not just from India but from around the world. Its multifaceted program includes diverse events such as talks, discussions, exhibitions, workshops, portfolio reviews, screenings, and book launches. These activities aim not only to showcase the art of photography but also to address social issues and evoke thought-provoking conversations.

Organized by the Light Craft Foundation, this not-for-profit initiative is renowned as India's most enduring international photo festival. The IPF is a platform that unites not only professional photographers, budding talents, aficionados, but also the public. These engagements are tailored to appeal to diverse interests and skill levels, offering something for every enthusiast out there.

Kicking off with an exhilarating start, the festival's inauguration sets the stage for a diverse lineup of workshops conducted by industry experts. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from experts like Nat Geo editors Samantha Clark & Shweta Gulati sharing insights on "The Art of Pitching", printmaking artist Arpan Mukherjee, and many others. The lineup includes sessions on smartphone photography, fashion, portraiture, and zine making.

The exhibitions at IPF hold a mirror to societal narratives, capturing moments that are often unseen or overlooked. One of the festival's highlights is the inauguration event on November 23rd at 5:30 p.m. at the State Art Gallery. This grand opening will set the tone for a month-long extravaganza showcasing breathtaking exhibitions and variety of experiences.

Speaking of exhibitions, three magnetic showcases stand out among the plethora of displays. "Origen" by Glorianna Ximendaz from Costa Rica is a poignant exploration of familial abuse and violence, reclaiming silenced narratives through powerful imagery and poignant memories."A Wounded Landscape" by Marc Wilson from the UK is a six-year odyssey across 20 countries, documenting the haunting remnants of the Holocaust. Wilson's work pairs 360 images with poignant stories from survivors and their descendants, serving as a stark reminder of the tragic chapters of history."MACHT" by Patrik Budenz and Birte Zellentin from Germany is a visual journey spanning a century of global politics through 199 portraits of leaders. This project invites viewers to ponder the nuances of power, political history, and its enduring impact on our world.

Did I mention it's free and open to everyone? The festival's diverse range of exhibitions and events not only educates and entertains but also encourages critical thinking about societal issues, history, and the human condition. While submissions for the exhibition have closed, the IPF welcomes all photography enthusiasts and curious minds to immerse themselves in this irresistible experience. The festival's aim is not only to exhibit the art but also to offer an opportunity for engagement and learning.

For those eager to be part of this vibrant extravaganza, volunteering with the Indian Photo Festival offers a distinctive chance to get hands-on experience behind the scenes. Volunteers play a pivotal role in curating exhibitions, organizing workshops, assisting photographers, and engaging with visitors—a rewarding journey for anyone passionate about photography.

The 9th Indian Photo Festival isn't merely a collection of images; it's a journey through narratives, emotions, and moments frozen in time. Through its exhibits and events, it encourages critical thinking, introspection, and an appreciation for the myriad stories captured by the lens.

For more details on schedules, workshops, and exhibitions, click here. Follow more updates here.
