Fashion Recycling: Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Image used for representational purposes
Image used for representational purposes

I. Re-wear:

II. Re-use:

III. Re-cycle:

An Indian Context. 

In conclusion, keep It old-school. Pay it forward.


We cannot let our fashion go to waste.

Mehma Tibb always knew she would design something. She's been sketching since she could pick up a pencil and has had various phases ranging from cartoonist to architect to graphic designer to fine artist to sculptor and graffiti artist all of which has finally given way to ARSENiC--because custom designed leather jackets is her passion.

She is a lone wanderer and traveling alone is accidentally one of her fortes. A good book, a sketch pad (her most prized possession) a .005 micron pen which no one else is allowed to use coupled with a backpack full of luxury essentials and a pair of good boots and you might find her just about anywhere in the world eating her favourite food: Chilli Cheese Toast!
