Just 4 Hours From Mumbai, This Idyllic Luxury Wellness Retreat Awaits

Just 4 Hours From Mumbai, This Idyllic Luxury Wellness Retreat Awaits
Atmantan Resort

For many of us, urban dwellers life is a set routine of waking up, going to work and coming back to possibly unhealthy, the adulterated food we give no qualms about. The chaos of the city, its polluted environment and our stressful routines cause a lot more harm to us than we can imagine, not just physically but also mentally. As we proceed with our unruly lives, we must pause and rethink our lifestyle, the motivation and the realization for which possibly comes after taking a vacation. Travelling often provides new and deeper insights into our own lives and fortunately, Punekars and Mumbaikars don’t have to traverse far away for their chance of transformation, for a beautiful wellness centre operates in Mulshi.

Nestled in the lap of the lush rain fed Sahyadris, Atmantan, a wellness resort is spread over 40 acres of a sprawling valley that overlooks the pristine blue waters of the Mulshi Lake. With spectacular views and a minimalistic architectural design, the resort is founded on crystalline mountains that are known for their healing frequencies. Atmantan’s integrated and customized wellness packages that combine the traditional Indian healing practices with international therapies along with a serene environment provide a divine amalgamation of the atma (soul), mana (mind) and the tann (body).

Image Source: Tripoto

Most of the Atmantan converges into its surrounding foliage and every building here has been designed to best utilize the natural light and give breathtaking views of the lake, the gardens and the valley. Though rustic and simplistic in appearance, all the living arrangements at Atmantan (106 guest rooms and villas) have been created with the thought of luxury integrated with wellness. The bedrooms have been furnished with plush King beds, floor-to-ceiling view windows. The glass windowed bathtub overlooks an exhilarating scenery. All the rooms further extend into spacious private balconies or sit-out gardens where one can unwind with a book and a cuppa. There are various lily ponds and a gorgeous infinity pool where you can take a dip and be one with the environment.
Atmantan built on the land of prana has some truly relaxing spas that invigorate the body and the mind. They provide guests with traditional Ayurveda, oriental acupressure, aromatherapy massages, purifying body polishes, cocooning wraps and Pranic Chakra Cleansing. Also on offer are special treatments such as the Hammam, Vichy showers, open Colonics and Balneotherapy. Yoga and meditation form the crux of all wellness treatments offered that range from Master cleanses to weight management programmes, restorative physiotherapy etc. In October 2017 the retreat will be visited by Dr Liana, a cosmetic acupuncture specialist.

Image Source: Outlook Traveller

The resort has a very interesting spa cuisine that has its roots in traditional beliefs that Locavorian or locally grown food maintains and restores health, vitality and well-being. They strictly use fresh local plant and meat produce and whole foods that are unprocessed, unrefined and are full of essential micronutrients. With a fusion of international culinary styles, from macrobiotic to Ayurveda, Mediterranean to Asian, they are cooked using relatively healthier techniques like braising, steaming, poaching and grilling to retain as much natural flavour possible. Himalayan and rock salts are used to add minerals as well as flavour while fruit juice, honey, jaggery or coconut flower syrup are used as sweeteners. Atmantan’s unique epicurean journey enables guests to enjoy meals that sustain the body whilst delighting the taste buds.

While the resort ensures the wellness of its guests it also claims to actively look into the well-being of the environment they operate in. They have the largest Solar Hot Water Installation for a resort in the entire country which is the primary source of heating the water for nearly all the applications at Atmantan. Energy audits are held annually while waste is recycled and the wet kitchen garbage is used to create vermicompost. They only use battery operated vehicles and bicycles to traverse in the tranquil environs of the resort and have even been taking measures to increase the ground water table and plan other aspects of rain water harvesting.

This wellness resort in Maharashtra runs on the philosophy of a holistic transformation of the body, mind and the soul and encourages a healthy attitude and a positive outlook towards life. If you are looking to escape not just your urban dwelling but also an unhealthy lifestyle, head to Atmantan and be transformed.

Atmantan Wellness Retreat is situated at Mulshi, around 172 km from Mumbai and around 45 km from Pune. For details about the booking and tariff, visit their website.

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