Homegrown's Year-End Roundup: Our 12 Best Social Justice Features Of 2014

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4 min read
'Tis the season to be retrospective. The clock's run out on last year, and as we gear up for the next, we take out a moment to thematically round up some of the pieces we worked on over 2014, a little something to remember it by.

I. These 10 Excerpts From Indian Textbooks Are Seriously Terrifying

Click on the image below to read more about it
Image Source: kochipost.com

II. Saving Stray Souls: Mumbai’s Animal Heroes Are An Inspiring Lot

Click on the image below to to read more about them

III. Animal Rights: India Just Vecame The First Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Zone In South Asia

Click on the image below to read more about it
Image Courtesy: Petaindia.com

IV. #NoPrisonForChildren: Why Lowering The Juvenile Justice Age Is A Step In The Wrong Direction

Click on the image below to learn more about the campaign
Visit http://noprisonforchildren.com/ to know more.

V. Shuchi Kapoor’s Photo Story Of A Delhi Remand Home Unveils The Dichotomy Of The New Juvenile Justice Law

Click on the image below to see the full story

VI. #NoPrisonForChildren: A Juvenile Lawyer Sheds Some Light On India’s Juvenile Justice System

Click on the image below to read the full script of the interview
Anant at his office in Juvenile Justice Board.

VII. No Country For Women Vol.I: The Myth Of The Impoverished Rapist

Click on the image below to read her full analysis
Women wait at a rural help center in Desaiganj. Mathura’s rape case spawned a movement to fight violence against women in India .(Image Source – Reuters.com)

VIII. Break the Silence: Real-life Stories Showcase the Roots of Gender-Based Violence In India

Click on the image below to scroll through some of the most chilling narratives you're likely to see this year

IX. No Country For Women Vol. III: The Gendered Negotiation of Space In India

“When you navigate the city and look around you, do you notice the difference in behaviours of men and women? Do you notice, for example, that there are clusters of men aimlessly loitering – standing without purpose near tea-stalls and small shops? Do you notice that all women you encounter seem to require a purpose to be outside? Do you notice that they are always walking from point A to point B, that it is imperative for them to have a destination? Do you notice that women do not have the implicit right to loiter, to simply exist in public space?”
Click on the image below to ask yourself more such pertinent questions: 
Image Credit: Ronny Sen

X. Progressive Indian Brands That Are Challenging Societal Norms

Click on the image below to find out who we picked:
Still from an Amul ad with a refreshing take on a middle class couple's responsibilities.

XI. Sati Savita Bhabhi: Is India’s Comic Porn Icon An Evil Temptress Or A Figure Of Emerging Feminism?

Click on the image below to read our view on the wonderful Indian temptress and many other Indian characters we haven’t viewed through this lens:
Savita Bhabhi. Image Source: mashmedia.com

XII. India & Its Sexual Objectification Conundrum

Click on the image below to read The Fire Breathing Feminist's full article on the same: 