Hypnos Hoodies With In-built Inflatable Pillow Allow You To Nap Anywhere

Hypnos Hoodies With In-built Inflatable Pillow Allow You To Nap Anywhere
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2 min read

“What are the three things that make a perfect hoodie? Fabric, fit and function—and we have perfected all three,” says Josh Woodle of Hypnos, and we believe him. He, along with the designer, Elaine Yue, have created the one thing each and everyone of us truly need in our lives, even if we didn’t know it yet. Though, if we’re honest, most of us did.
If you’re someone who has to travel for an hour or more to get to work, you’re already familiar with the pure pleasure a solid on-the-go nap can provide and Los Angeles-based designers have created the Hypnos Hoodie to help people catch the best possible nap while commuting.  As such, you no longer have to carry your travel pillows while flying somewhere or snatch the throw cushions from home before a road trip, all you need are the clothes on your back--literally.

Image Source: www.shophynos.org

Beneath, the comfortable layer of a hoodie, this particular garment doubles up to act as a pillow. Its hood inflates to form a ‘perfectly ergonomic pillow’ that would allow you to sleep comfortably, regardless of where you are.
The duo worked with engineers for several months before they designed a perfect inflatable pillow that not only fits within the hood, but is also inconspicuous when you need it to be. Better still is that it only takes three seconds to inflate and deflate the hood.  The Hypnos Hoodie is currently crowd-funding on Kickstarter so that they can keep the price down and bring the product to market. Unsurprisingly, even with 7 days left for the campaign to end, the project has already crossed its $30,000 goal.
It is only a matter of time before you get to sleep like a baby, regardless of where we are. The only downside for us tropical babies? The thought of being trapped in a hoodie while the sun beats down us sounds akin to a new form of torture, but you know what they say--no pain, no gain. Then again, maybe we should keep our fingers crossed for tank tops with inflatable pillow hoods next. Click here, to watch their campaign video.

Image Source: Kickstarter

Words: Krupa Joseph 
