7 Indian Fashion Brands to follow on Instagram

We live in a beautiful world. Only digitally-deep perhaps but beautiful all the same. Our interaction with each other and with brands is becoming far more visual whether it's virtual or real, which is possibly what makes instagram on its way to becoming the most powerful social media platform to market a brand. But while we may assume it's easy to take pictures of your product while managing a brand's instagram account, it takes a lot more creativity than that to get it noticed.
People use instagram to showcase moments and milestones from their everyday life, simultaneously giving the world some visual insight into their personality and lifestyle. Similarly, a well-maintained brand/blog account would accomplish the same. They all promote a unique brand lifestyle, creating an all-encompassing experience for a consumer and follower to buy into.
In keeping with the theme, we have handpicked seven Indian fashion brands & bloggers who we feel you should follow on instagram:

III. Blur Designs: http://instagram.com/blurbook

VII. Nikhil Thampi: http://instagram.com/NikhilThampi
