Introducing Old Monk Beer! No Really, It's An Actual Thing.

Introducing Old Monk Beer! No Really, It's An Actual Thing.

Colloquially referred to as the ‘national drink of India’ –Old Monk, the biggest Indian Made Foreign Liquor brand has been a favourite for college students and older generation alike for almost 67 years now. Since its inception the dark rum has been secured in the same bottle and size triggering nostalgia and the known flavour alike.

Old Monk Beer is officially a thing. Yep, you heard us right. Mohan Breweries and Distillers, the same company that makes the legendary Old Monk, now makes the Old Monk 10000. Brewed in Chennai, this beer is best described as an American Malt Liquor, and comes in strong at 8%. If you tend to guzzle down pale lagers, maybe this homeboy isn’t for you.

Image source: MB Drinks

The beer is available in 330ml and 650 ml bottles. RateBeer also gives it a weighted average rating of 2.02, which is not very promising at all.

Will the honey hue coloured beer with minimal lacing, a cerealy fermented aroma and a slight apple cidery note become another cult classic like their rums?

Our final word on the matter is — if you’re a true Old Monk fan, which means you’ve made all 6 of these Old Monk Cocktails, then give it a go for the heck of it. No beer deserves to be wasted.

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