Jammu & Kashmir To Host Its First Film Festival This June

Jammu & Kashmir To Host Its First Film Festival This June

We have previously spoken of the beauty of Kashmir and the valley in an extensive manner –– from its food to the culture and the people to its natural beauty, we’re in awe of the region. With the turmoil it is subjected to regularly, both internally as well as in its representation in mainstream media, it is imperative to realise that Jammu & Kashmir is so much more than that.

This year, Jammu & Kashmir will host its first film festival, the National Film Festival of Jammu & Kashmir. Taking to art as an avenue for positivity, creativity, and recognition, this first-of-its-kind film festival in the valley will be held for five days, beginning on 15 June, 2022. The Film Development Council in collaboration with the National Film Development Corporation and the Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting are behind the efforts of making this idea a reality.

The festival calls for submissions of original works across genres and has dedicated prizes for several categories. Officials say that this initiative is to strengthen the ‘film, music and creative ecosystem’ in J&K, and also “to recognise Indian talent in music, feature, short and documentary film-making; provide opportunities to the sparsely-located film-making community of the J&K through networking and collaborative projects; to develop the skill of filmmaking using minimal/efficient resources; locating young and fresh talent in filmmaking/music industry in J&K,” as reported by The Indian Express.

The National Film Festival of Jammu & Kashmir and its organisation come from a place of wanting to inch toward a more positive valley. It is no novel news that art and its power are irrefutable when it comes to making a statement, spreading awareness, or even mobilising people. Through film, this festival is opening up doors to usher in a wave of collaboration, conversation, and cultural immersion.

Write to festivals@nfdcindia.com for any information about the festival.

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