Kazoo Is The First Feminist Magazine For Little Girls Who Love Outer Space & Climbing Trees

Kazoo Is The First Feminist Magazine For Little Girls Who Love Outer Space & Climbing Trees

At a time when every child over the age of six enters the world armed with smartphones and iPads it has become more necessary than ever to tailor worthwhile content for young children. But with photoshop-flawless women and twerking celebrities filling every inch of the tween world there is precious little to stimulate young girls who have interests in more alternative spheres. A new magazine Kazoo aims to fill the gaping hole in that market. Designed for girls between the ages 5-10, Kazoo was created to inspire them to be strong, fierce and above all, true to themselves regardless of the perceived societal norms.

Editor and creator Erin Bried first came up with the idea when she and her 5-year-old daughter Ellie were looking for a magazine that they could enjoy together. She found that shelves were filled with glossy issues packed full of Princesses and lip gloss but nothing that would play to Ellie’s love of outer space and tree-climbing. As Erin’s career had given her many years of magazine experience she felt confident in her new venture and launched a kickstarter campaign to fund the launch of Kazoo, the first feminist magazine for kids with diverse interests.

Within 30 days, the success of the idea became apparent with Kazoo becoming the highest funded journalistic Kickstarter campaign in history. In August they launched their first issue and it was everything they had been hoping for. All of their content is created by or about strong women in every field under the sun, from artists and explorers to chefs and athletes. They have regular science sections, comics and interviews with inspiring women in the hope that it will teach young girls that there is absolutely no limit to their potential and that one size doesn’t fit all in any aspect of life.

With their work, they hope to inspire a change in the way the next generation of women, to put an end to ingrained gender inferiority and make more girls confident in their own abilities. Erin hopes that her magazine will also teach girls that although being a Princess and feeling beautiful is important, it is not the sum total of the universe and a sense of self worth is much more important that conforming to baseless societal standards. We hope that Kazoo sticks firmly to its ethos and changes the way little girls across the world view their abilities. It’s about time someone gave the youth of today some worthy role models and Kazoo is going to do just that.
