A Kashmiri Entrepreneur's Education Mentoring Platform Is Helping Students Find Their Passion

A Kashmiri Entrepreneur's Education Mentoring Platform Is Helping Students Find Their Passion
Free Press Kashmir

Remember your school days when you were forced to take up a certain subject or stream, even though you had no idea about it? You took it up either because you had a hunch that you might like it, or somebody told you to do so. But gone are those days. The mentoring platform, MyCaptain c0-founded by Ruhan Madni Naqash from Kashmir, along with a team of engineers from SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST), Chennai, made it to the Forbes 30-under-30 ‘special mention’ list under the Education category. It is a mentoring platform that finds alternative careers for youngsters.

According to Naqash, students make uninformed decisions about their careers either because of parental and peer pressure, or simply because they don’t know where else to turn.

“We observed there are two constant problems—students either don’t know what to do, those who have an idea don’t know how and where to start. Initially, we tried to find solutions through two to three models but they didn’t work out,” says Naqash in an interview with Free Press Kashmir.

Started in 2015, the platform has already mentored one lakh and twenty thousand students and continues to stimulate the young minds. They help students understand and zero in on their passions and talents through one-month long programmes. As of now, MyCaptain offers 35 courses ranging from standup comedy to film-making, illustration and doodling, creative writing, novel writing, social media content creation and many more.

People from all age groups – ranging from 16-year-olds to 24-year-olds can join. MyCaptain helps them take the first few steps into whatever field they are interested in, through their courses.

MyCaptain has around 200 plus professionals under the age of 30 as educators. Stand-up comics like Vir Das, Tanmay Bhat and other celebrities like former ICC elite panel umpire Simon Taufel and fashion designer Neeta Lulla have conducted sessions for its students.

Check out the MyCaptain platform here.

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