Is India Going Green? We May Soon Be In The Top 5 Markets For #SolarEnergy In The World.

Is India Going Green? We May Soon Be In The Top 5 Markets For #SolarEnergy In The World.
No matter which side of the climate debate you are on, every major economy in the world has recognized the importance of embracing renewable energy. Not just for the benefits of clean energy, but for the abundance, which is not available with fossil fuels. While India and other developing countries in the world have resisted the efforts of Western countries passing the buck of excessive climate regulations onto them, we've also been encouraging with solar power as seen with India's first fully solar powered village. Moreover,  many have cried foul towards Modi’s alleged tendency to destroy the environment in his hurried bid for further industrialisation and ‘growth,’ but the Prime Minister's most recent announcement just made us a little more optimistic, and it could be India's most fervent commitment to clean energy yet.
Image Source: Corbis
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