Plastic Recycling Machines At Mumbai’s Train Stations Pay You To Use Them!

Recycle Machines
Recycle MachinesBetter India
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1 min read

When the Government first rolled out the Swachh Bharat Recycle Machines in Mumbai’s railway stations, it was hard to see the logic behind it. Yes, the railway stations are populated and rush hour is probably what the entrance to hell looks like—but it gives way to the question—would a Mumbaikar genuinely find time to recycle while trying to catch a train? Surprisingly, the Mumbai Mirror reported that on an average, a good 1000 plastic bottles were being recycled daily!

As part of World Environment Day on 5 June, they followed up on the effectiveness of the Swachh Bharat Recycle Machines, and found out that a total of 2 lakh plastic bottles had been crushed so far for recycling. The machines had been installed in January, and were provided by Wockhardt Foundation, an NGO. Harrissh Karrande, part of the company that looks after the machines, told the Mumbai Mirror, “The machines have proved to be a great success, while the initiative is a great boost for the Swacch Bharat Abhiyan. It will work wonders to save the environment and give recycling a push.”

Citizens who take part in this initiative are rewarded through discount coupons from Sahakari Bhandar and Reliance Fresh Stores. Paytm credit can also be allotted instead, or you could go ahead and donate the reward. Eco-initiatives like this by the Government that function on a reward system, encourages more people to take part. It’s a win-win situation!
