The Company Helping People Connect With Nature Through Farming

Srinath Shetty with a client, taken from the Hosachiguru Facebook Page
Srinath Shetty with a client, taken from the Hosachiguru Facebook Page

The day to day stresses of living in a city are plenty. Being constantly surrounded by the sound of traffic, paying exorbitant prices for small living spaces, constantly breathing dirty, contaminated air, we often find our escape through imagination.

It’s easy to visualise how wonderful it would be to leave the busy, polluted city behind and move to a farm in the countryside, living off the land and reducing our carbon footprint all at the same time. But farming is no easy feat, and overhauling your entire life to move to a farm can be a pretty unnerving task.

However, for Ashok Jayanthi, Sriram Chitlur, and Srinath Setty, making the choice between their daily professional lives and managing their ancestral farmland was easy. Rather than picking one over the other, they balanced both! And this led to the creation of Hosachiguru, an agricultural asset management company that helps people manage and invest in farmland smartly.

The aim of Hosachiguru is to make the daunting task of procuring and cultivating farmland easier, while also creating a positive social and environmental impact. The Hosachiguru process begins with aiding their clients in buying land, chosen on the basis of water availability, soil conditions, and the budget of the investor. Then they design and develop the land as required for cultivating the desired crops. From preparing the soil for farming, setting up an irrigation system to hiring people to work on the farm, every step of the farming process is managed by Hosachiguru with the client’s input.

Though their primary work is to help professionals cultivate farmland, their newest project, Eco Habitat, takes a different route. On a 16-acre plot just outside Bengaluru, Hosachiguru has set up a unique farm based on the principles of permaculture and community farming. Operating on the ethics of Care for Earth, Care for People and Fair Share, Hosachiguru’s Eco Habitat will allow people to own and contribute to a community farm as well as provide them with a hands-on farming experience.

The farm will be able to sustain 300 families by giving them access to a safe, healthy and traceable source of fruits and vegetables, and clients will receive the bounty on a weekly basis.

The farm also has an eco-friendly Earth Pod home for weekend getaways in the midst of nature. Here, people can take part in interesting farming activities. Like its other ventures, Hoasachiguru Eco Habitat will also focus on contributing to the local environment and community, and farm workers will be hired from the nearby area.

You can learn more about Hosachiguru and the Eco Habitat on their website.

Feature Image taken from the Hosachiguru Facebook page

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