Women Can Now Order Sperm Online Thanks To An Indian Origin Doctor

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Severed mouse heads, uranium ore, zombie apocalypse kits and Justin Timberlake’s half eaten french toast have all made it a list of things that you could buy on the internet. To make the internet a better place, as of yesterday, the London Sperm Bank has made it possible for women to now order sperm online too. Kamal Ahuja, the scientific director of the London Sperm Bank said, “You make all the transactions online, like you do anything else these days. This allows a woman who wants to get a sperm donor to gain control in the privacy of her own home and to choose and decide in her own time. We think this is the first-of-its-kind in the world” as reported on the Sunday Times.

How are they doing this, you ask? Simple. The sperm bank has launched a mobile app through which women can browse for donors, and select one based on their desired physical characteristic preferences. They can even apply filters, such as educational requirements and occupation, and can also read a little description of the person. If all their boxes are ticked, they put the donor in their “Wish List” and wait for the sperm bank to contact them with a status of the availability. The women are required to make a 950 pound payment for the donor’s sample via the app, and once it is made the sample gets delivered to the fertility clinic that the woman is being treated in. “About half of Britain’s IVF clinics, including private and the UK’s state-funded National Health Service (NHS) institutions, are understood to have registered to use the service” as reported by Times of India.

For all those feeling that there is no way this could be legal – it is. The app has met all the criteria set by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), which regulates in vitro fertilisation (IVF), says the Daily Mail UK. This truly is one of it’s kind!
