Mumbai, Learn The History Of Chocolate-Making At ‘Bean To Bar Workshop’ This Weekend

Mumbai, Learn The History Of Chocolate-Making At ‘Bean To Bar Workshop’ This Weekend

There are few things in this world that have the all-encompassing power of chocolate. Whether you want to celebrate, recover after a long hard day, mend broken hearts or ward off Dementors - chocolate can do it all and is always there to lend a helping hand. But how much do all of us actually know about the chocolate we eat? Do we think at all before (certainly not while) sinfully devouring a rich bar of dark chocolate? Or do we mindlessly surrender our souls to the gooey joy that follows?

Whether artisanal or not, every chocolate finds its origin in Cacao Beans - which is a well-known fact. But even the timeless Cacao Bean has a unique history to itself. For example, not many people know that the Cacao Bean, at one point, was traded as currency - (if I had to pay in chocolate, I’d certainly go broke!).

Making Dark Chocolate is certainly an underappreciated artistry. It’s obviously more than just melting chocolate in the microwave, pouring it in a mould, and letting it cool. So to apprise us commoners of everything that goes into the making of certain confectionery, Salt Water Cafe at Churchgate is hosting a ‘Bean To Bar Workshop’. A couple of hours filled with all things chocolate, this workshop will be conducted by Pascati Chocolates Founder & Partner, Devansh Asher. Pascati is India’s first USDA Organic certified and Fair-trade compliant chocolate maker.

In fact, not only will participants get a chance to wade through the know-how of the entire bean to bar process, they’ll also get to indulge in a chocolate tasting. Also, you can expect an elaborate session on chocolate appreciation (yes, you read that right!) where all you do is relish exquisite dark chocolate bars and single origin Cacao blends as high as 81% and talk about how rich, smooth, and extraordinary everything is.

Venue – Salt Water Café, Churchgate.

When – Sunday, 23rd December 2018

Time – 4.00 pm onwards

Entry Fee – INR 399

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