Mumbai Stations Soon To Have Automated Pizza Machines!

Mumbai Stations Soon To Have Automated Pizza Machines!
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2 min read

Thick and crusty, or thin and crispy, scattered with vegetables or maybe layered with pepperoni and of course topped off with rich tomato sauce and heaps of gooey, stringy cheese. If you have even a speck of imagination, we bet you’re craving pizza right now. And there’s the problem, the need for pizza is so easy to trigger that nothing can satiate it once it strikes except the promise of a primo slice. Strangely enough the solution to this dire, if slightly elitist problem is coming from the unlikeliest source – The Indian Government.
The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Company is set to host a robotic takeover of Mumbai’s railway snacking. Among the chaat, samosas and wada paos there will soon be a chance to grab your own thin crust pizza made entirely in a machine and with no human contact, say hello to railroad hygiene! These machines are to be placed in Mumbai’s five busiest terminals, Andheri, CST, Kalyan, Lokmanya Tilak Terminus and Mumbai Central.
These anytime pizza machines (or ATP’s as we hope they’ll be called) function exactly as they appear to, you put in your money, pick your option and your pizza is made from scratch right before your eyes in under five minutes. The fact that they’re being implemented in what are arguably some of the busiest train stations in the world may seem a bit ambitious and considering the way public property is treated in the city, perhaps a bit unwise. But we hope the residents of Mumbai will see this as the blessing that it is, treat them with the reverence they deserve and make sure that people will be using these for many years to come. Now we just have to hope we don’t have an ‘I, Robot’ type situation because nobody deserves to die being chased down by sentient mozzarella.

Check out this super simple pizza making process below

Video Courtesy Hammy K. Bex via ScrollFeatured Image Courtesy 
