Mumbai Unlock: What's Open And What's Allowed?

Mumbai Unlock: What's Open And What's Allowed?
L: The National News; R: The New Indian Express

On the basis of the COVID positive rate and the availability of oxygen beds in Maharashtra, Maharashtra has decided to relax the lockdown restriction. The state government said on Sunday, June 06 that the new five-level easing curbs will go into effect on Monday, June 07. This comes just a day after CM Uddhav Thackeray’s office reversed its former position on the unlock plan revealed by Minister Social Welfare Vijay Wadettiwar.

The Maharashtra government has unveiled a five-level unlock plan for the state’s lockdown, which will be phased off starting June 07. The five-level unlock plan is based on the state’s supply of oxygen beds and the COVID positive rate.

The extent of the relaxation was determined by the severity of Covid-19 in certain districts.

Here is a list of what’s open:

i. Essential shops to operate till 4 pm on all days.

ii. Medicine shops and chemists are permitted to remain operational 24 hours throughout the week.

iii. Non-essential shops to operate till 4 pm on weekdays.

iv. Malls, theatres, and natyagrahas to remain closed.

v. On weekdays, restaurants can serve up to 50% of their capacity until 4 pm.

vi. Public spaces for outdoor activities will be open every day, from 5 am to 9 am.

vii. All private workplaces will be allowed to operate at 50% capacity until 4 pm on weekdays.

viii. Only 50 individuals will be allowed to attend weddings and 20 people will be allowed to attend funerals.

ix. Construction will be allowed but only with onsite labour.

On Sunday, June 06, the city of Mumbai recorded 794 new cases and 20 deaths, bringing the total number of cases to 7,10,643 and the death toll to 14,971. As many as 833 people were discharged, taking the total number of patients recovered so far to 6,78,278.

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