Polish Connect: Get to know Milena Fik

Polish Connect: Get to know Milena Fik
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2 min read
As Frida Kahlo once stated, I draw anything that springs to my mind. My work depicts all that is within me, and the many often contradictory emotions I experience.
 I greatly enjoy drawing animals
I find inspiration in old etchings, the paintings of Frida Kahlo, Egon Schiele or Basquiat and the sketches of Picasso
I am fascinated by the characters of the Russian alphabet.
My work creates a world assembled from jumbled inspirations - I am delighted when others support and understand it and agree to take part in it.

This image was created after seeing the “конец” title at the end of one of Dziga Vertov films.


I have never sampled lobster – apparently they scream when they are cooked.


All of the characters I depict tend to feature one of the following: stockings, suspenders and high heels, bruised and bloody knees, tears or cigarettes. Why they emerge from my mind as so dysfunctional, I am yet to establish.


The music I feature at the end of my blog posts are sometimes simply tracks I listen to when I complete and image, and sometimes sounds that I associate with the finished piece.


This image originates from a mixture of influences. Me, Botticelli’s “Birth of Venus”, Lucha Libre and the tattoos of Mexican gangs.


This is a reference to Frida Kahlo’s painting: “Two Fridas”
