Rehashed: A Roundup Of Articles You Might've Missed Since the Dawn of 2015

Rehashed: A Roundup Of Articles You Might've Missed Since the Dawn of 2015
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4 min read
We get it - change is hard. As the holiday season (as conventionally understood) has drawn to a close and there's no denying that the new year has dawned, there might be a rising sense of panic, with some excitement thrown in there somewhere, at all the work and responsibility that awaits us now. Shake off last year's regrets, take your time with the nostalgia and tend to your hangovers; we've got your back. Get up to speed whenever you're ready - here's a round-up of Homegrown articles you might've missed out on while you were dealing with all the drama.   

Despite our idea of a healthy meal (one bag of crisps, laid out on top of a deep dish pizza, embedded with a smorgasbord of deep-fried/meaty jewels, washed down with a litre of soda), we were not insusceptible to the infectious optimism palpable in the air with the the dawn of the new year. Rolling up our sleeves, we embarked upon a purist food trail wherein ridiculously nutritious and notoriously tasty ceased to be mutually exclusive.

Bombay Salad Co protein overdose, Healthy Meals, salads

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” 

This quote by Evelyn Beatrice Hall rang truer than ever in the light of the horrific attack on satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo's headquarters on January 7th. An appalling violation of freedom of speech, not to mention the brutal violence of the act, it incensed writers, cartoonists and illustrators around the world, who rose in solidarity to condemn the shootings. Homegrown reached out to 8 Indian illustrators for their thoughts and opinions, also showcasing some of the cartoons they had made in reaction to the tragedy.

By Irfan Khan
Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi along with the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr.Shinzo Abe at a private dinner, State Guest House, in Kyoto, Japan on August 30,-2014 ( Image Source: Defense.PK )
Dharam Saraviya

We've gone and done it - we've put a round-up list inside a round-up list. This inception's just down to our obsession with food (and making you cry with our food pieces), though. 2014 might be over, but we had a whole lot of fun with food stories last year; once you go through this lot, you’ll wonder why you didn’t spend the better part of it in a food coma. Here’s the ones we loved the most and we hope that you did too:

Image is only for representational images. Source-Townandstyle