[Photo Credit: Left - Danish RD; Right - Dev Ambardekar]
The relentless debate and chatter over the tragic murder of a 13-year-old girl and her house help had captured the entire nation's schizophrenic imagination for over two years. The tragedy shows no signs of slowing down and every twist has been met with baited breath so finally, instead of analysing it even further we decided to discard opinions and lay down the facts. Thus, this chronologically sound infographic including every milestone in the Arushi Talwar murder case was born.
Natalie Soysa's our very own personal bridge into the budding alternative culture space in Sri Lanka. Every fortnight or so she gives us a little peek into something amazing and this week, her decoding of the amazing T-shirt duo Bludge really hit the spot. Their philosophies, stories and general course of life paint an inspiring picture that would put all those social media sunset cliches to shame.