The 3rd Most Powerful Person At Google Is Now Officially An Indian

The 3rd Most Powerful Person At Google Is Now Officially An Indian

There’s been a significant restructuring of organization in Google’s management and Sundar Pichai, an Indian, has come out on top of it. Already highly respected as the head of Android and Chrome operations, co-founder of the gargantuan search engine, Larry Page, just put Sundar in charge of an even huger chunk of Google, including core products like search, research, maps, Google + and more. Previously, the company had an executive for each core product but now all of these leaders will be reporting directly to Pichai.
The entire shuffle was apparently born out of Page’s feeling ‘handcuffed’ by too many responsibilities and feeling the need to reduce the ‘bottleneck’ in the flow of Google’s day to day operations, besides leaving him free to focus on bigger projects. Many feel the latter suggests that this move is largely born out of Page’s not-so-irrelevant concern that Google will become less innovative as it ages.

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In the memo he sent out to staff yesterday, he noted that the changes would “help him focus his attention on existing and new products and that he would continue to directly manage business and operations, including access and energy (a new unit run by Craig Barratt), Nest, Calico, Google X, corporate development, legal, finance and business (including ad sales).”
Here’s a little more on Pichai, however. He was born in Chennai, India in 1972, attended Wharton, Stanford and IIT during his educative years, and worked at Applied Materials & McKinsey & Co. before joining Google in 2004. Ever since, he’s been enjoying nothing if not an upward trajectory and this is only the latest in a long line of promotions. This new position demarcates him effectively becoming SVP of all Google products though sources say that there will no title change as o now.
More interestingly still, two of the executive heads who will be reporting directly to Pichai happen to be Indians themselves. Sridhar Ramaswamy on ads and commerce, and Amit Singhal in search. All in all, it’s nice to see so many brilliant minds of Indian origin coming to the forefront of Global technology game changers. And considering we wouldn’t be too far off to claim Pichai is now the 3rd most powerful person at Google (second only to Page and Brin) he’s the bonafide leader of the pack.
