The Red Market: Breaking Down India's Illegal Blood Trade Nexus

The Red Market: Breaking Down India's Illegal Blood Trade Nexus
The Red Market
The legalities: Does your blood really even belong to you? 
Source: Tradeget
Shifting the blood supply onus
35 good days, and then come the bad ones
Voluntary donor at a blood donation camp. Source: Indiaprwire
Underground trade filling up the gaps
The different levels of India's illegal Red Market
Let's start with the first level: professional donors.
In the basement of Sitla Hospital in Gorakhpur lab attendants show off a full bag of blood that they recently received from one of the city's five blood banks. A month before this photo was taken a farmer from a nearby village complained to police that hospital workers from here kidnapped him and stole his blood by force. Source:
The next level: bags for sale.
Level three: Behind Gorakhpur's blood farm, with Scott Carney
Pappu Yadav, owner of the house where the victims were forcibly kept, is arrested. Image credit: Abhinav Chaturvedi, Tehekla
2016: Where we are

 Words: Rhea Almeida
