The Shape-Shifting Fashion Enigma Defining A New, Avant-Garde Generation Of Homegrown Fashion

The Shape-Shifting Fashion Enigma Defining A New, Avant-Garde Generation Of Homegrown Fashion

Artist, designer, model, and muse Agou Sitlhou is the face of an emerging fashion generation that isn’t afraid to break the rules of fashion as we know. His Instagram handle constantly sees him experimenting with mesmerizing looking flirting with androgynous silhouettes and a pop-punk core aesthetic that hits you with a punch of instant serotonin.

Agou has been a big player in championing fashion as a lifestyle rather than a performative act. Living, breathing and celebrating his unique identity, Agou’s fashion vocabulary is tough to fit in a liminal box and frankly refuses to conform!

Working as a creative director for brands like HUEMN and Twopointtwostudio, Agou has a brand of keeping it real, proudly being vulnerable to the meticulous process and the challenges that come forth with standing out in a heteronormative fashion market.

Homegrown struck up a conversation with the alternative fashion icon and got his take on the Indian fashion landscape.

The space of fashion has always been an affirming visual presentation or expression of one’s identity. How has the art of expression via voguing shaped up your living experiences as a fashion enthusiast?

One doesn’t have to have to specify their identity or stick to a genre to enjoy fashion. For me, fashion is all about exploring and experimenting beyond your comfort zone. Everyone in the game has their own aesthetic. I don’t label myself in one category as I thrive with a new day new serve mindset.

What is it you want to communicate with your art?

Challenging the binaries that dictate fashion as we know has been a vital element of my work process. I constantly strive to find myself in the grey areas and build an inclusive fashion language that goes beyond gender norms.

If you had to describe your fashion persona in 3 words, what would they be?

Bold, Enthusiastic & experimentative is how I would sum it up.

A quick fashion tip/advice you swear by?

Become a better shopper. Choose to shop smart, not hard.

A lot of current fashion content or aesthetics are dictated by ‘hype fashion trends. How do you separate yourself from the oversaturated trend bandwagon and strive to stay original?

I think I am one of the few creators who have been unabashedly bold and consistently refreshing when it comes to creating a ripple in the industry. Sticking to the monotonous trend bandwagon is not my thing.

Your current favourite fashion trend right now?

Street fashion.

A designer/artist/creative you look up to?

Nicki Minaj

You have a very distinct look and attitude, and you challenge gender norms and roles extremely well. What inspires your personal style?

I wasn’t always like this, when I first started out I wouldn’t even dare to be this bold in my fashion choices. My philosophy now is anything goes! You give me an outfit and I will make it work.

What piece of advice would you give to fellow artists and creative icons in the fashion sphere?

Be bold, authentic and celebrate all that you are. No one can be you and that is perhaps your greatest strength.

You can view his work here.

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