This Weekend, Head To Pune To Conquer Doolally’s Beer Olympics

This Weekend, Head To Pune To Conquer Doolally’s Beer Olympics

You’ll hear claims from all over the country for the title of being the craft beer central, but unless the claim comes from Pune, I can tell you it’s a lie. The sleepy little cousin of Mumbai is rife with breweries and around every corner is a pub with a beer-guzzling hops-head who will jovially support that claim. Though there are more independent microbreweries one of the best known, the great-granddaddy of them all, is Doolally - The 1st Brewhouse, at the Corinthians Club.

From the day they opened they’ve been bringing people the very best of freshly brewed beer as well as a kaleidoscope of interesting ways to consume it. This Saturday they’re back with a brand new edition of the Beer Olympics, the only sporting event designed to exercise your liver. It’s a team event, with every team comprising of 8 strong-stomached people who will be put through a set of 5 challenges designed to test your alcoholic prowess. It begins with a simple chug relay to get you warmed up, then on to drunk Jenga, beer pong, Fletter - a word-based card game and rounds off with the classic bar game, darts.

The event starts at 11 a.m. and will last around 8 hours with the events distributed through the day and Doolally’s is providing an easy drinking, low alcoholic, low bitternesss beer to minimise the damage but with the amount going around you’ll still need to pace yourself. Of course they aren’t going to let you drink on an empty stomach so lunch is included in the entry fee, along with a whole lot of goodies. For those of you who don’t want to brave public transport there’s a Doolally wagon that will ferry people from Mumbai to Pune and back, so you never even have to think about getting behind the wheel.

Don’t be fooled though, this exploit is not just a experiment in how to get alcohol poisoning, there’s Rs. 50,000 worth of beer to be won by the top three teams. This extravaganza is the dream of any beer-lover, so gather your alcoholically athletic friends and book a seat on the beer wagon, because this weekend, you’re entering the real Olympics.

To know more and to enter your team, check out their website.

Date: Saturday 20th, May

Venue: 1st Brewhouse, Corinthian Club, Pune

Entry Fee: Rs. 8000 (for a team of 8 people)

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