Twitter's Hilarious Reaction To Gurgaon's Inspired New Name

Twitter's Hilarious Reaction To Gurgaon's Inspired New Name

The Haryana government has decided to change the name of Gurgaon, the state’s corporate hub that borders Delhi, to Gurugram.
A spokesman clarified the reason for the change, stating, “Haryana is a historic land of the Bhagwat Gita and Gurgaon had been a centre of learning. It had been known as Gurgaon since the times of Guru Dronacharya. Gurgaon was a great center of education where the princes used to be provided education. Therefore, since long the people of the area had been demanding that Gurgaon be renamed as Gurugram.” The name of the town Mewat will also be changed to Nuh, they announced.
As the new proposal came to light, the infamous Twitter army got to work with their fast-typing thumbs punching out hilarious comments, puns and witty quips. Here are some of the best reactions to the change:
