Two Men Are Motorcycling From India To Scotland With A Message Of Peace & Love

Two Men Are Motorcycling From India To Scotland With A Message Of Peace & Love
Image source: Vasudhaiva Ride

Dude 1: “Hey man, you wanna ride motorcycles from Pune to Scotland, play music, help people and preach non-violence?”

Dude 2: “I thought you’d never ask!”

Although Prashant’s and Ben’s plans to roadtrip the world, spreading a message of love and global citizenship, probably involved a lot more forethought than the above paraphrasing, that’s exactly what they’re doing. And this isn’t just a couple month long summer trip, these guys will be travelling for around 18 months to 2 years. If you have any doubts about their commitment Prashant and Ben already sold all their possessions and planned collaboration projects along their one hell of a long route. Say hello to the wonderful gents behind the very real, very inspiring project of love, VASUDHAIVA RIDE.

Vasudhaiva Ride: The Journey Begins

On Jan 15th 2017 Ben Reid-Howells and Prashant Kumar kickstarted their Enfields and rode into Bombay to help promote accessible education for two weeks. Then they hit up the Bangalore Book Crawl and added a little sax and percussion to the event. Their next top was a village in Bihar were they outfitted with sustainable community centre made of waste. Check out the map of their trip below!


Why this epic journey?

“Inspired by the belief that we are all one family, the Ride is a celebration of the variety of connections between human beings and our shared world. This journey is our response to global stories of disconnection, violence and intolerance.”

Their global journey will focus on extolling the virtues of peace, promoting a variety of methods of sustainable living as well as taking part in projects that foster community well-being.

A Little About These Motorcycle Mesias


The skills he brings to the ride: up-cycling design expert, installation artist, animal welfare activist, motorcycling enthusiast and percussionist.

Prashant speaks Hindi, Urdu, Bhojpuri, English and can get by in Marathi.

“For Prashant, the ride is about his passion for discovery and the challenges of travel. He wants to uncover a common goal of creating positive social and environmental engagements through art, music and other platforms.”

Read more about Prashant here.

Ben Reid-Howells.

The skills he brings to the ride: community facilitator, mindfulness and communications trainer, wilderness guide and musician.

Ben speaks English, French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese and is working on his Hindi.

“For Ben, this journey is his “alternative masters” program, taking the projects and practices of local communities as a study in how to best contribute his skills in a global context. Ben wants to explore the radically different ways people are working to address issues of social, environmental and political justice.”

Read more about Ben here.
